三座堪萨斯城市启动因积雪而引发的紧急计划, 向司机提供非伤员事故的咨询。 Three Kansas cities activate emergency plans due to snow, advising drivers on non-injury crashes.
Wichita、Bel Aire和Derby已启动了紧急事故报告计划(EARP), Wichita, Bel Aire, and Derby have activated their Emergency Accident Reporting Plan (EARP) due to light snowfall on the coldest winter day. 建议非受伤事故中的司机交换信息,以后报告事故。 Drivers in non-injury crashes are advised to exchange information and report incidents later. 学校面临拖延和取消,因为冷冻温度预计还会持续。 Schools face delays and cancellations as freezing temperatures are expected to continue. 执法部门警告中央商业区附近的高风险地区,如东行的凯洛格。 Law enforcement warns of high-risk areas like eastbound Kellogg near the Central Business District.