南非警方在救援行动中释放246名矿工后, 追捕"老虎", 在非法矿山中发现78具尸体. South African police hunt "Tiger" after rescue mission frees 246 miners, finds 78 bodies in illegal mine.
南非警方正在搜寻James Neo Tshoaeli, 名为“Tiger”, 被怀疑是非法开采金矿行动的领袖, South African police are searching for James Neo Tshoaeli, known as "Tiger," a suspected leader of an illegal gold mining operation who escaped police custody after a rescue mission in Stilfontein. 行动营救了246名矿工,追回了78具尸体。 The operation rescued 246 miners and recovered 78 bodies. Tshoaeli被控组织袭击、酷刑和在地下囤积食物。 Tshoaeli is accused of organizing assaults, torture, and food hoarding underground. 自8月以来获救的非法矿工总数接近2 000人,发现87具尸体。 The total number of illegal miners rescued since August is nearly 2,000, with 87 bodies found. 警察是调查官员,他们可能帮助他逃脱。 Police are investigating officers who may have aided his escape.