南非鹰帮报告说,在打击腐败和犯罪的过程中逮捕了1 400多人。 South Africa's Hawks report over 1,400 arrests in a crackdown on corruption and crime.
南非的霍克斯是一个打击犯罪的单位,它报告说在打击腐败和有组织犯罪方面取得了重大进展,最后一个季度逮捕了1 400多人。 South Africa's Hawks, a crime-fighting unit, reported significant progress in tackling corruption and organized crime, with over 1,400 arrests in the last quarter. 西北省的活动最多,主要原因是非法采矿作业。 The North West province saw the most activity, largely due to illegal mining operations. 尽管作出了这些努力,前警察部长Bheki Cele仍然在2009年的丑闻中未受指控,而Hawks人则继续追查与州抓捕有关的案件。 Despite these efforts, former Police Minister Bheki Cele remains uncharged in a 2009 scandal, while the Hawks continue to pursue state capture-related cases.