特朗普总统命令联邦工人返回办公室,实行冻结雇用,但有些例外。 President Trump orders federal workers back to offices, imposes hiring freeze, with some exceptions.
特朗普总统签署了行政命令,授权联邦雇员恢复全时当面工作,并对联邦机构实行雇用冻结,但国家安全和公共安全作用除外。 President Trump has signed executive orders mandating federal employees return to in-person work full-time and imposing a hiring freeze on federal agencies, with exceptions for national security and public safety roles. 大约26%的联邦雇员参加工会,许多人签订远程工作协议。 About 26% of federal employees are unionized, and many have remote work agreements. 这些命令可能面临法律挑战,并可能影响联邦机构执行政策变化的能力。 The orders may face legal challenges and could impact federal agencies' ability to execute policy changes. 根据联邦法律,残疾雇员仍然可以远程工作,面临解雇的人将提前30天通知,并可向优异系统保护委员会提出上诉。 Employees with disabilities may still work remotely under federal law, and those facing termination will have 30 days' notice and can appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board.