在维护期间,巴塞罗那港口发生爆炸,造成一人死亡,多人受伤,醋酸甲酯爆炸。 Explosion at Barcelona port during maintenance kills one, injures others, amid methyl acetate blast.
在维修工作期间,巴塞罗那港口发生致命爆炸,造成1人死亡、1人重伤。 A fatal explosion occurred at Barcelona's port during maintenance work, resulting in one death and one serious injury. 爆炸涉及高易燃溶剂甲基乙酸酯,导致火灾,后来熄灭。 The blast, which involved the highly flammable solvent methyl acetate, led to a fire that was later extinguished. 另有数人因轻伤受到治疗。 Several other individuals were treated for minor injuries. 应急服务响应并启动了化学品风险应急计划。 Emergency services responded and activated the chemical risk emergency plan. 这起事件凸显了欧洲最繁忙的港口之一的安全关切。 This incident highlights safety concerns at one of Europe's busiest ports.