9月12日 大阪污水处理设施爆炸造成四名工人在维修期间受伤,原因正在调查中。 12 September Osaka sewage facility explosion injures four workers during maintenance; cause under investigation.
9月12日,日本大阪Nagahori泵站污水处理设施发生爆炸,造成4名男工30岁和40岁受伤。 An explosion at the Nagahori Pumping Station sewage facility in Osaka, Japan, occurred on September 12, injuring four male workers in their 30s and 40s. 爆炸于下午12时15分在临时蓄水区维修期间发生。 The blast took place at 12:15 p.m. during maintenance in a temporary water storage area. 十二辆消防车响应, 在15分钟内控制了火灾. Twelve fire trucks responded, containing the fire within 15 minutes. 受伤工人住院治疗,伤势不致命。 The injured workers were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. 爆炸原因仍在调查之中。 The cause of the explosion remains under investigation.