加拿大计划削减其移民机构的3 300个就业机会,目标是到2027年节省158亿美元。 Canada plans to cut 3,300 jobs at its immigration agency, aiming to save $15.8 billion by 2027.
加拿大移民、难民和公民加拿大计划三年内削减3 300个工作岗位,同时影响到长期和临时角色。 Canadian Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada plans to cut 3,300 jobs over three years, affecting both permanent and temporary roles. 削减目标是到2027-28年节省158亿美元。 The cuts aim to save $15.8 billion by 2027-28. 工会警告解雇可能会使积压的200多万份移民和公民身份申请更加恶化。 Unions warn the layoffs could worsen the backlog of over two million applications for immigration and citizenship. 关于拟裁撤的具体职位的详细情况将于2月中旬公布。 Details on specific positions to be eliminated will be released in mid-February.