比利时当局调查苹果公司与侵犯人权有关的来自刚果民主共和国的“冲突矿物”。 Belgian authorities investigate Apple over "conflict minerals" from DRC tied to human rights abuses.
比利时当局正在调查苹果公司关于使用来自刚果民主共和国的“冲突矿物”的指控,在那里采矿作业与侵犯人权有关。 Belgian authorities are investigating Apple over allegations of using "conflict minerals" from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where mining operations are tied to human rights abuses. 刚果民主共和国声称苹果公司的认证程序有缺陷,使得为战争和童工提供资金的矿物被假称为来自非冲突地区。 The DRC claims Apple's certification process is flawed, enabling minerals funding war and child labor to be falsely labeled as from non-conflict areas. 苹果公司否认索赔要求,并停止从刚果民主共和国和卢旺达采购某些矿物,理由是对认证程序的可靠性感到关切。 Apple denies the claims and has halted sourcing certain minerals from the DRC and Rwanda, citing concerns about the reliability of certification processes.