刚果对苹果公司使用与侵犯人权有关的冲突矿物提出刑事申诉。 Congo files criminal complaints against Apple for using conflict minerals linked to human rights abuses.
刚果对在法国和比利时的苹果子公司提出刑事起诉,指控该公司在其产品中使用来自刚果民主共和国的冲突矿物。 Congo has filed criminal complaints against Apple subsidiaries in France and Belgium, accusing the company of using conflict minerals from the DRC in its products. 刚果民主共和国政府声称,这些矿物来源于参与侵犯人权行为的武装团体控制的地雷。 The DRC government claims these minerals are sourced from mines controlled by armed groups involved in human rights abuses. 苹果公司坚持对供应商和资金进行审计,以改进矿物的可追踪性,但投诉指控苹果公司参与战争罪和欺骗行为。 Apple maintains it audits suppliers and funds efforts to improve mineral traceability, but the complaints allege Apple is complicit in war crimes and deceptive practices. 这些案件可能为追究公司在其供应链中侵犯人权的责任树立先例。 The cases could set a precedent for holding corporations accountable for human rights abuses in their supply chains.