孟加拉国计划在2月之前, 将上届政府下立案的2500多宗“假案”降级。 Bangladesh plans to drop over 2,500 "false" cases filed under the previous government by February.
孟加拉国临时政府计划在二月前撤走超过2500宗“假”案件, 案件遍及25个县, The interim government in Bangladesh plans to withdraw over 2,500 "false" cases filed across 25 districts during the previous Awami League government's 15-year rule by February. 这些案件往往出于政治动机,根据与武器和妨碍执行警察职责有关的法律提出,涉及许多被告个人。 These cases, often politically motivated and filed under laws related to arms and obstruction of police duties, involve numerous accused individuals. 政府任命了公共检察官,并正在修订《数字安全法》。 The government has appointed public prosecutors and is working on amending the Digital Security Act.