孟加拉国高等法院在与印度叛乱分子有关的武器走私案中,宣判前部长和其他人无罪。 Bangladesh's High Court acquits former minister and others in arms smuggling case linked to Indian rebels.
孟加拉国高等法院宣布前部长Lutfuzzaman Babar和另外五人在2004年一起与印度叛乱分子有关的武器走私案件中被判死刑无罪。 Bangladesh's High Court has acquitted former Minister Lutfuzzaman Babar and five others sentenced to death in a 2004 arms smuggling case linked to Indian rebels. 法院还将在逃叛乱领导人Paresh Barua的死刑减为无期徒刑。 The court also reduced the death sentence of fugitive rebel leader Paresh Barua to life imprisonment. 检察官未能提供可信的证据,导致无罪开释。 Prosecutors failed to provide credible evidence, leading to the acquittals. 该案涉及没收10多卡车武器,准备用于印度东北部的分离主义叛乱分子。 The case involved the seizure of over 10 truckloads of weapons intended for separatist rebels in northeastern India. 这一决定可能会给孟加拉国与印度的关系带来压力,因为它引发了反恐怖措施和跨界安全问题。 This decision may strain Bangladesh-India relations, as it raises questions about anti-terror measures and cross-border security.