英国和瑞士签署协议,承认双方在200多个部门的专业资格。 UK and Switzerland sign agreement recognizing each other’s professional qualifications in over 200 sectors.
联合王国和瑞士签署了一项新协议,承认联合王国在200多个部门的专业资格,包括法律、医学和滑雪教学。 The UK and Switzerland have signed a new agreement recognizing UK professional qualifications in over 200 sectors, including law, medicine, and ski instruction. 这项协议取代了到期的协议,旨在促进两国经济增长和贸易联系,每年价值270亿英镑。 This deal replaces an expired agreement and aims to boost economic growth and trade ties between the two countries, valued at £27 billion annually. 支持英国企业向瑞士拓展, 反之亦然。 The move supports UK businesses looking to expand into Switzerland and vice versa.