在疫情和地缘政治不确定性的背景下,瑞士 2024 年实际 GDP 将增长 1.3%,达到 9384.6 亿美元。 Switzerland experiences 1.3% real GDP growth to $938.46bn in 2024 amid pandemic and geopolitical uncertainties.
瑞士是人均 GDP 最高的经济体(截至 2022 年为 92,000 美元),拥有熟练的劳动力和市场型经济。 Switzerland's top economy by GDP per capita ($92k as of 2022) has a skilled workforce and market-based economy. 尽管存在疫情和地缘政治不确定性,但该国通胀率和失业率仍较低,2024 年实际 GDP 将增长 1.3%,达到 9384.6 亿美元。 Despite pandemic and geopolitical uncertainties, it boasts low inflation and unemployment, with a 1.3% real GDP growth to $938.46bn in 2024. 本文尚未确定瑞士最富有的人,但也提供了对瑞士经济的更广泛的概述。 The wealthiest person in Switzerland is yet to be identified in this article, which also offers a broader overview of the Swiss economy.