在安大略省剑桥,三人在放火焚烧多辆车后面临纵火指控。 Three people face arson charges in Cambridge, Ontario, after setting multiple vehicles on fire.
在安大略省剑桥,在多辆汽车被纵火后,三人正面临纵火指控。 Three individuals are facing arson charges in Cambridge, Ontario, after multiple vehicles were set on fire. 滑铁卢地区警察局正在调查在极端寒冷时发生的这些事件。 The Waterloo Regional Police Service is investigating the incidents, which occurred during an extreme cold snap. 据报没有人员受伤,纵火背后的动机仍然不明。 No injuries were reported, and the motive behind the arsons remains unclear. 地方当局已敦促居民保持警惕,并报告任何可疑活动。 Local authorities have urged residents to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activities.