渥太华夜间发生了三起火灾,造成1人受伤,数名居民流离失所。 Three fires broke out overnight in Ottawa, injuring one and displacing several residents.
三起火灾在一夜之间在加拿大渥太华爆发。 Three fires broke out overnight in Ottawa, Canada. 一名40多岁的男子在Bay Street的一幢住宅楼被一火击中重伤。 A man in his 40s was seriously injured in one fire at a residential building on Bay Street. 消防员在上午12:44控制了火灾. 星期六晚些时候,在罗切斯特街的一座商业大楼的汽车中发生了另一个火灾,第三个火灾完全涉及肯伍德大道的一户家庭住宅,没有人被发现. Firefighters controlled the fire by 12:44 a.m. Another fire occurred in a car at a commercial building on Rochester Street later Saturday, and a third fire fully involved a single-family home on Kenwood Avenue early Sunday, with no occupants found inside. 一辆OC Transpo公共汽车为受影响居民提供了避难所,调查人员正在调查火灾原因。 An OC Transpo bus provided shelter for affected residents, and investigators are looking into the fires' causes.