两名卡尔加里居民在2024年遭到纵火的纵火指控,导致六人受伤,多所房屋受损。 Two Calgary residents face arson charges for a fire that injured six and damaged multiple homes in 2024.
2024 年 10 月,卡尔加里的两人在一座联排别墅综合体发生火灾和爆炸,造成 6 人受伤并摧毁多处房屋后,面临纵火指控。 Two individuals from Calgary are facing arson charges after a fire and explosion at a townhouse complex injured six people and destroyed multiple homes in October 2024. 这名40岁的男子和43岁的妇女被指控故意使用加速器起火,造成重大损坏和伤害。 The 40-year-old man and 43-year-old woman are accused of intentionally starting the fire using an accelerant, causing significant damage and injuries. 两人均被控纵火,无视人命,纵火造成财产损失,并拥有燃烧材料。 Both are charged with arson with disregard for human life, arson causing property damage, and possession of incendiary materials.