1月8日, 店主宣布决定后, 西达拉皮兹最古老的Maid-Rite三明治店关门。 The oldest Maid-Rite sandwich shop in Cedar Rapids closes after owners announced the decision on January 8th.
位于爱荷华州锡达拉皮兹 621 1st Avenue SW 的最古老的 Maid-Rite 三明治店将关门。 The oldest Maid-Rite sandwich shop in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, located at 621 1st Avenue SW, will close its doors. 业主于2020年接管, 于1月8日宣布关闭, 商店于1月15日关闭。 The owners, who took over in 2020, announced the closure on January 8th, with the shop closing on January 15th. 决定是在考虑了各种因素,包括社区的长期目标之后作出的。 The decision comes after considering various factors, including long-term community goals. 长期总经理吉尔已表示有兴趣接管餐厅。 The long-time general manager, Jill, has expressed interest in potentially taking over the restaurant.