印第安纳州南本德的圣克莱尔屠夫商店由于不可持续的成本和市场变化而关闭。 St. Clair's Butcher Shoppe in South Bend, Indiana, closed due to unsustainable costs and market changes.
印地安那州南本德的圣克莱尔屠夫商店在运作三年后关闭,指出不可持续的成本上升和市场变化是关键因素。 St. Clair's Butcher Shoppe in South Bend, Indiana, has closed after three years of operation, citing unsustainable rising costs and market changes as key factors. 共同创始人Nick St. Clair和Robert Kolbe感谢客户在此挑战时期给予的支持。 Co-founders Nick St. Clair and Robert Kolbe expressed gratitude to their customers for their support during this challenging period. 该店于2021年6月在大流行病中开业,尽管努力维持这一业务,但它将不再营业。 The shop, which opened in June 2021 amid the pandemic, will no longer operate, despite efforts to sustain the business.