历史悠久的罗德岛餐厅"老餐厅"在70年后关闭, 取而代之的是热狗摊和酒吧. Historic Rhode Island restaurant The Old Canteen closes after 70 years, to be replaced by hot dog stand and speakeasy.
老食堂是罗德岛历史悠久的联邦山地餐厅,经商近70年后即将关闭。 The Old Canteen, a historic Federal Hill restaurant in Rhode Island, is closing after nearly seven decades in business. 传统餐厅集团计划重新开放这个网站, 成为Wally's Wieners 和一个叫铜俱乐部的酒吧。 The Heritage Restaurant Group plans to reopen the site as Wally's Wieners and a speakeasy called Copper Club. 从意大利票价改为热狗, 引起了一些社区反弹, 但现任业主Sal Marzilli已准备退休。 The change from Italian fare to hot dogs has caused some community backlash, but the current owner, Sal Marzilli, is ready to retire. 新机构定于3月开张。 The new establishments are set to open in March.