爱尔兰对农村公交车进行基于应用程序的预订试验,自2020年以来乘客人数增加了360%。 Ireland trials app-based booking for rural buses, seeing a 360% rise in passengers since 2020.
爱尔兰正在农村地区测试一种新制度, 允许居民通过应用程序或当地办公室, 订订本地连线巴士服务, Ireland is testing a new system in rural areas that allows residents to book Local Link bus services through an app or local office, similar to hailing a taxi. 在Kerry、Mayo和Limerick进行的为期一年的试点旨在改善农村居民、特别是老年人的公共交通。 The one-year pilot in Kerry, Mayo, and Limerick aims to improve public transport for rural residents, especially the elderly. 服务使用量显著增加,在2020年至2023年期间,乘客人数增加了360%以上。 The service has seen a significant increase in use, with passenger numbers rising by over 360% between 2020 and 2023.