由于铁路服务能力下降,可能会导致延误,因此建议利默里克通勤者提前计划。 Limerick commuters advised to plan ahead due to reduced rail service capacity, potentially causing delays.
由于铁路服务运力减少,建议爱尔兰(尤其是利默里克)的通勤者提前计划行程。 Commuters in Ireland, particularly in Limerick, are advised to plan their journeys in advance due to a reduction in rail services capacity. 运力减少可能会导致延误和中断,因此乘客必须做好准备并留出额外的旅行时间。 The reduced capacity may cause delays and disruptions, so it is essential for passengers to be prepared and allow extra time for their trips. 广告和订阅有助于支持当地新闻报道,这对于让公众了解此类事态发展至关重要。 Advertisements and subscriptions help support local news coverage, which is crucial for keeping the public informed about such developments.