新西兰的房屋建筑费用在2024年缓慢增长,年增长率为1.1%。 House construction costs in New Zealand grew slowly in 2024, with a 1.1% annual increase.
在新西兰建造房屋的费用增长较慢,标准三间卧室的住房年增长率从2023年的2.4%和2022年的10.4%下降到2024年的1.1%。 The cost of building a house in New Zealand has seen slower growth, with the annual increase for a standard three-bedroom house falling to 1.1% in 2024, down from 2.4% in 2023 and 10.4% in 2022. CoreLogic的Cordell建筑成本指数(CCCI)将减速归因于与COVID相关的供应链问题已经解决,而正在建造的新住房较少。 CoreLogic's Cordell Construction Cost Index (CCCI) attributes the slowdown to resolved COVID-related supply chain issues and fewer new dwellings being built. 尽管如此,CoreLogic经济学家Kelvin Davidson预计,随着按揭利率的下降,2025年建筑条件将有所改善,但成本增长可能仍受控制。 Despite this, CoreLogic economist Kelvin Davidson expects construction conditions to improve in 2025 as mortgage rates drop, but cost growth will likely remain controlled.