新西兰的建筑成本在2024年缓慢上升,标准住房仅增长1.5%。 Construction costs in New Zealand rose slowly in 2024, with standard homes up just 1.5%.
自2015年以来,新西兰的建筑成本以最慢的速度上升,到2024年11月,标准住房的建设成本增长了1.5%。 Construction costs in New Zealand have risen at their slowest rate since 2015, with a 1.5% increase for standard homes in the year to November 2024. 与往年相比,由于通货膨胀减缓、利率创下低记录、房价下跌、供应链重建以及人口增长放缓,这比往年大幅度下降。 This is a significant drop from previous years, driven by easing inflation, record low interest rates, declining house prices, re-established supply chains, and slower population growth. 非住宅建筑的费用也略有增加1.4%。 The cost of non-residential buildings also saw a modest 1.4% increase.