全球失业率在2024年保持在创历史新低的5%,到2026年有望略降至4.9%。 Global unemployment stayed at a record low of 5% in 2024, with hopes for a slight drop to 4.9% by 2026.
全球失业率稳定在2024年创历史新低的5%,预计到2025年将保持这一水平,尽管经济放缓可能会阻碍创造就业机会。 Global unemployment held steady at a record low of 5% in 2024 and is expected to remain so through 2025, though a slowing economy could hamper job creation. 青年失业率为12.6%,是总体失业率的两倍以上。 The youth unemployment rate stands at 12.6%, over twice the overall rate. 劳工组织的报告强调需要教育投资和创新性解决办法,以促进公平就业机会和减少不平等现象。 The ILO report stresses the need for education investment and innovative solutions to promote equitable job access and reduce inequality. 预计到2026年失业率将略降至4.9%。 The unemployment rate is projected to drop slightly to 4.9% by 2026.