9月,中国青年失业率(16-24岁)从8月的18.8%降至17.6%。 In September, China's youth unemployment rate (aged 16-24) fell to 17.6% from 18.8% in August.
9月,中国16至24岁青年失业率从8月的18.8%降至17.6%,是今年最低的一年。 In September, China's youth unemployment rate for those aged 16 to 24 fell to 17.6%, down from 18.8% in August, marking the lowest level of the year. 尽管这一下降,但这一比率仍然很高,反映出就业市场,特别是新毕业生的就业市场持续面临挑战。 Despite this decline, the rate remains high, reflecting ongoing challenges in the job market, especially for new graduates. 25-29岁失业人口的失业率下降到6.7%,而30-59岁失业人口的失业率稳定在3.9%。 Unemployment for those aged 25-29 dropped to 6.7%, while the rate for individuals aged 30-59 held steady at 3.9%. 工厂的雇用信心仍然很低。 Factory hiring confidence remains low.