一名16岁的男子因在Dumbarton严重殴打一名69岁的男子而面临法院的审判。 A 16-year-old faces court for the serious assault of a 69-year-old man in Dumbarton.
一名16岁的男孩被指控在12月20日下午7点20分左右在西邓巴顿郡Dumbarton严重殴打一名69岁男子后,将出庭受审。 A 16-year-old boy is set to appear in court after being charged with seriously assaulting a 69-year-old man in Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire, around 7:20 pm on December 20. 这名青少年被逮捕,承诺释放,并计划到Dumbarton治安法院出庭。 The teenager was arrested, released on an undertaking, and is scheduled to appear at Dumbarton Sheriff Court. 已向财政检察官提交了一份正式报告。 A formal report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.