澳大利亚昆士兰州的十几岁少年被控抢劫,殴打86岁老人,以及其他罪行. Teen charged with robbery, assault of 86-year-old man, and other crimes in Queensland, Australia.
在澳大利亚昆士兰州,一名16岁男孩被指控抢劫、严重殴打一名86岁男子、接收被盗财产和非法使用车辆。 A 16-year-old boy in Queensland, Australia, is charged with robbery, serious assault of an 86-year-old man, receiving stolen property, and unlawfully using a vehicle. 指控源自Smithfield发生的一系列越狱事件,据称该少年与另一名男孩一起偷窃物品并袭击了老人。 The charges stem from a series of break-ins in Smithfield, where the teen, along with another boy, allegedly stole items and assaulted the elderly man. 嫌疑人将于星期一到儿童法庭出庭,调查将继续进行。 The suspect will appear in children's court on Monday, and the investigation continues.