女性因要求救护车救护受伤同事引发关于工作场所安全与协议的辩论而被解雇。 Woman fired for calling ambulance for injured coworker sparks debate on workplace safety vs. protocol.
一名妇女被新奥尔良呼叫中心解雇,当时她为一名重伤的同事叫了救护车。 A woman was fired from a New Orleans call center after calling an ambulance for a coworker with a serious injury. 尽管情况严重,但工作人员配置人员以违反协议为由解雇了她。 Despite the severity of the situation, Workforce Staffing dismissed her, citing protocol violations. 这起事件引发了关于将雇员安全置于工作场所规则之上的辩论。 The incident sparked debate on prioritizing employee safety over workplace protocol.