56 岁的威尔士救护车服务护理人员朱莉·欧文 (Julie Owen) 在一次医疗紧急情况下遭受了患者女儿的谩骂、随地吐痰和扔玻璃杯,随后辞职。 56-year-old Welsh Ambulance Service paramedic, Julie Owen, quits after enduring verbal abuse, spitting, and glass-throwing by a patient's daughter during a medical emergency.
威尔士救护车服务中心的护理人员朱莉·欧文 (Julie Owen) 在肖顿的一次医疗紧急情况中遭到患者女儿的辱骂、吐口水,并向她扔玻璃,因此辞去了工作。 A Welsh Ambulance Service paramedic, Julie Owen, has quit her job after being verbally abused, spat at, and having glass thrown at her by a patient's daughter during a medical emergency in Shotton. 这位拥有20年职业生涯的56岁女士接受了咨询,但对她的工作不再感兴趣。 The 56-year-old, who has a 20-year career, underwent counselling but no longer has interest in her job. 她将这次袭击描述为“我准备应对的最后一次袭击”,并表示这对她的影响是出乎意料的。 She described the attack as the "last one I'm prepared to deal with" and said the impact on her was unexpected.