南加州公寓市场收紧,空缺率为5%,租户续租面临挑战。 Southern California's apartment market tightens, with a 5% vacancy rate and challenges for tenants renewing leases.
2024年,南加利福尼亚州经历了该国最紧的公寓市场之一,空缺率为5%,而全国为6%。 In 2024, Southern California experienced one of the nation's tightest apartment markets, with a 5% vacancy rate compared to the national 6%. 该地区只有2%的公寓供应是新建的,低于全国平均水平4%。 Only 2% of the region's apartment supply was newly constructed, lower than the national average of 4%. 租户面临挑战,因为只有53%的租约得到续约,空置单元平均需要43天才能重新启用,吸引约12个前景。 Tenants faced challenges as only 53% renewed their leases, and vacant units took an average of 43 days to be re-leased, attracting about 12 prospects. 东洛杉矶市场最具竞争力,空缺率为4-7%。 Eastern Los Angeles had the most competitive market, with a 4-7% vacancy rate.