加利福尼亚州在一些地区的房租涨幅超过50%;州认为新的立法有帮助。 California sees rent hikes over 50% in some areas; state considers new legislation to help.
加利福尼亚的房租涨幅急剧上升,去年一些地区的房租涨幅超过50%。 Rent increases in California have surged, with some areas seeing hikes of over 50% in the past year. 东湾、旧金山和洛杉矶的增加幅度最大,居民越来越难以负担住房。 The East Bay, San Francisco, and Los Angeles are experiencing some of the highest increases, making it increasingly difficult for residents to afford housing. 国家正在考虑制定新的立法,以帮助遏制这些迅速增加的房租。 The state is considering new legislation to help curb these rapid rent increases.