温哥华的办公室空缺率在Q4 2024中上升至9.8%,使其更方便租户。 Vancouver's office vacancy rate climbed to 9.8% in Q4 2024, making it more tenant-friendly.
在2024年问题4中,温哥华的办公室空缺率上升到9.8%,与前一年相比上升了1.2个百分点,原因是市场条件不确定,公司重新评价办公空间需求。 In Q4 2024, Vancouver's office vacancy rate rose to 9.8%, up 1.2 percentage points from the previous year, due to uncertain market conditions and companies reevaluating office space needs. 这一增长使得市场更有利于租户,特别是B类和C类建筑物的租户。 This increase has made the market more favorable for tenants, especially for Class B and C buildings. 技术部门牵头的租赁活动为32%,平均租金从每平方英尺4.3%降至33.17美元。 The technology sector led leasing activity at 32%, while the average rent dropped 4.3% to $33.17 per square foot.