超过60名香港大学学生在骗局中损失了6000万港元;大学要求进行反诈骗问卷调查。 Over 60 HKU students lose HK$60M to scams; university mandates anti-scam questionnaire.
香港大学有60多名学生报告被骗,总共损失6 000万港元,中国大陆学生通常每人损失约100万港元。 Over 60 students at the University of Hong Kong have reported being scammed, losing a total of HK$60 million, with mainland Chinese students typically losing around HK$1 million each. 要求所有学生在2月10日前完成反骗子问卷, The university is requiring all students to complete an anti-scam questionnaire by February 10, with non-compliance barring library access. 这遵循香港理工大学采取的类似措施。 This follows similar measures by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.