2024年9月,新加坡冒名顶替诈骗案激增,造成100多起案件和670万新元损失,诈骗者冒充银行和政府官员。 In September 2024, a surge of impersonation scams in Singapore resulted in over 100 cases and S$6.7 million lost, with scammers posing as bank and government officials.
新加坡当局警告说,冒名顶替骗局激增,2024年9月损失了100多起案件和670万新元(510万美元)。 Singapore authorities have warned of a surge in impersonation scams, with over 100 cases and S$6.7 million (US$5.1 million) lost in September 2024. Scammers伪装成银行官员,然后将受害者转移给冒充政府代表的共犯,往往使用假证件。 Scammers pose as bank officials and then transfer victims to accomplices impersonating government representatives, often using fake documents. 他们错误地指控犯罪活动的受害者,要求将资金转入“安全账户”。 They falsely accuse victims of criminal activities and solicit money transfers to "safety accounts." 敦促公众加强安全措施,报告可疑活动。 The public is urged to enhance security measures and report suspicious activity.