新加坡的骗局案件和金融损失在H1 2024年增加了16.3%,达到26 587个案件,损失超过3.856亿新元。 16.3% increase in scam cases and financial losses in Singapore in H1 2024, reaching 26,587 cases and over S$385.6 million in losses.
在新加坡,诈骗案件和财务损失在2024年上半年增加了16.3%,达到26,587起报告的案件和超过3.85,6亿新加坡元的损失. Scam cases and financial losses in Singapore increased by 16.3% in the first half of 2024, reaching 26,587 reported cases and over S$385.6 million in losses. 投资和政府官员冒充骗局尤其令人关注。 Investment and government officials impersonation scams are particularly concerning. 如果这一趋势继续下去,到年底,损失总额可能超过7.7亿新元。 If the trend continues, total losses may exceed S$770 million by the end of the year. 警方和其他机构正在努力解决这一问题,与Meta等公司进行更好的合作,并采取措施核实社交媒体平台上的风险销售商。 The police and other agencies are working to address the issue, with better cooperation from companies like Meta and measures to verify risky sellers on social media platforms.