在新西兰与渔业官员对峙期间,人把规模不足的pāua扔回海中。 Man throws undersized pāua back into sea during confrontation with fisheries officers in New Zealand.
在新西兰惠灵顿,一名男子在与渔业官员的对抗中把规模不足的pāua扔回海里,使情况升级,警察卷入其中。 In Wellington, New Zealand, a man threw undersized pāua back into the sea during a confrontation with fisheries officers, escalating the situation to involve police. 最初被问及在汽车里发现的贝类,他的行动和拒绝合作导致传票与警察面谈。 Initially questioned about the shellfish found in his car, his actions and refusal to cooperate led to a summons for an interview with the officers. 这一事件突显了为遏制偷猎和管制该地区的捕鱼活动所作的努力。 The incident underscores efforts to curb poaching and regulate fishing activities in the area.