新西兰JMA7渔场在一年内没有意外捕获受保护物种。 New Zealand's JMA7 fishery achieves a year without accidentally capturing protected species.
新西兰的竹鱼捕捞(JMA7)一年来没有意外捕获包括海鸟和海豚在内的受保护物种。 New Zealand's jack mackerel fishery (JMA7) has marked a year without accidental captures of protected species, including seabirds and dolphins. 这一里程碑的出口价值超过 6600 万美元,是 Sealord、Independent Fisheries Limited 和 Maruha 等渔业公司之间广泛合作的结果,以及减少夜间拖曳和定期简报等积极措施的结果。 This milestone, valued at over $66 million in exports, resulted from extensive collaboration among fishing companies like Sealord, Independent Fisheries Limited, and Maruha, alongside proactive measures such as reduced nighttime tows and regular briefings. 新西兰海产食品公司计划与其他渔业分享这些成功战略。 Seafood New Zealand plans to share these successful strategies with other fisheries.