一艘新西兰拖网渔船捕获了珊瑚,导致捕鱼暂停至2026年,1 000万新西兰元用于保护。 A New Zealand trawler caught coral, leading to a fishing suspension until 2026 and $10M for protection.
一艘新西兰拖网渔船Tasman Viking在Howe Reging勋爵号意外捕获了37公斤珊瑚,导致至少2026年暂停捕鱼。 A New Zealand trawler, the Tasman Viking, accidentally caught 37kg of coral in the Lord Howe Rise, prompting a fishing suspension until at least 2026. 这起事件之前曾因未报告类似渔获量而被处以罚款。 This incident follows a previous fine for not reporting a similar catch. 包括绿党和绿色和平运动在内的批评者主张禁止底拖网捕捞,因为它对海洋生态系统产生有害影响。 Critics, including the Green Party and Greenpeace, argue for a ban on bottom trawling due to its harmful impacts on marine ecosystems. 对此,新西兰政府宣布为珊瑚保护投资1 000万美元。 In response, the New Zealand government announced a $10 million investment for coral protection.