马来西亚的警察和人权机构开会讨论对搜查公共移动电话的法律限制。 Malaysia's police and human rights body meet to discuss legal limits on searching public mobile phones.
马来西亚警察和人权委员会将开会讨论警方检查公共移动电话的合法性。 Malaysia's police and Human Rights Commission will meet to discuss the legality of police checking public mobile phones. 内政部长指示警察澄清其程序,强调电话检查需要正当理由,不能任意进行。 The Home Minister instructed police to clarify their procedures, stressing that phone inspections require valid reasons and cannot be done arbitrarily. Suhakam指出,这种检查不应侵犯隐私,只能由具有合理犯罪嫌疑的检查员或上级人员进行。 Suhakam noted such checks should not violate privacy and must be conducted only by Inspectors or higher ranks with reasonable suspicion of a crime.