马来西亚警方可以检查某些级别嫌疑犯的电话,如果有犯罪嫌疑的话。 Malaysian police can inspect phones of suspects at certain ranks if there's criminal suspicion.
马来西亚警察总监说,如果有理由怀疑某人有犯罪嫌疑,巡视官或以上级别的警官可以检查此人的移动电话。 The Inspector-General of Police in Malaysia stated that police officers with the rank of Inspector or higher can inspect a person's mobile phone if there is reasonable suspicion of a crime. 这是以《刑事诉讼法》和《通信和多媒体法》的条款为依据的。 This is based on sections of the Criminal Procedure Code and the Communications and Multimedia Act. 检查旨在防止传播淫秽内容和协助刑事调查,必须谨慎行事,不合作可能导致逮捕。 The checks aim to prevent distribution of obscene content and aid in criminal investigations, must be done prudently, and failing to cooperate could lead to arrest.