巴基斯坦最高法院以缺乏明确立法和监督为由,质疑电话窃听的合法性。 Pakistan's Supreme Court questions legality of phone tapping, citing lack of clear legislation and oversight.
巴基斯坦最高法院质疑电话窃听法的合法性,对是否存在具体立法以及司法监督是否妥当表示关切。 Pakistan's Supreme Court questioned the legality of phone tapping laws, expressing concerns over whether specific legislation exists and if judicial oversight is properly in place. 法院强调了2013年的一项法律,该法要求司法批准,但注意到目前框架中含糊不清。 The court highlighted a 2013 law requiring judicial approval but noted ambiguities in the current framework. 该案始于首席大法官分庭,预计将影响若干正在审理的案件,已休庭进一步审理。 The case, which began in the Chief Justice's chamber, is expected to affect several ongoing cases and has been adjourned for further proceedings.