马哈拉施特拉省教育委员会推翻了将种姓列入学生考试门票的决定。 Maharashtra education board reverses decision to include caste on student exam hall tickets.
马哈拉施特拉州中学和高中教育委员会最初在即将到来的考试学生的门票中列入种姓类别,这项决定受到重大批评。 The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education initially included caste categories on students' hall tickets for upcoming exams, a decision met with significant criticism. 董事会旨在核实种姓信息并解决差异问题,推翻了其决定,并将重新发放不含种姓类别的门票。 The board, aiming to verify caste information and address discrepancies, reversed its decision and will reissue hall tickets without the caste category. 第十二类考试的新门票将于1月23日开始发放,第十类新门票将于1月20日开始发放。 New hall tickets for Class XII exams will be available from January 23, and for Class X from January 20.