TSPSC为第3组考试发放入学卡,定于11月17日至18日举行,并有严格的入场时间。 TSPSC releases admit cards for Group 3 exam, set for Nov. 17-18, with strict entry times.
Telangana公共服务委员会(TSPSC)在其网站上公布了第3组服务考试的录取卡。 The Telangana Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has released admit cards for the Group 3 Services exam on its website. 候选人必须使用TSPSC身份证及出生日期下载他们的门票。 Candidates must download their hall tickets using their TSPSC ID and date of birth. 考试于11月17日和18日举行,上午8时30分和下午1时30分开始。 The exam is on November 17 and 18, with sessions starting at 8:30 AM and 1:30 PM. 这些时间过后不允许进入 。 Entry is not allowed after these times. 候选人在整个甄选过程中应保留他们的门票,并可就技术问题与服务台联系。 Candidates should retain their hall tickets throughout the selection process and can contact the help desk for technical issues.