在反对派的批评下, Telangana计划进行一次新的种姓调查和一项42%保留率的法案。 Telangana plans a new caste survey and a bill for 42% reservations, amid opposition criticism.
Telangana政府计划于2月16日至28日进行第二轮种姓调查, The Telangana government plans to conduct a second round of a caste survey from February 16 to 28, following criticism over the initial survey's statistics. 此举旨在涵盖那些在2024年11月至12月错过第一次调查的人。 This move aims to cover those who missed the first survey in November-December 2024. 政府还打算提出一项法案,按照2023年议会选举期间的承诺,在教育、就业和政治领域为落后阶层保留42%的名额。 The government also intends to introduce a bill for 42% reservation for Backward Classes (BCs) in education, employment, and politics, as promised during the 2023 Assembly elections. 反对党批评了调查的准确性,要求在地方选举之前道歉和进行第二次综合调查。 Opposition parties have criticized the survey's accuracy, demanding an apology and a comprehensive second survey before local body elections.