TSPSC为2024年12月15-16日的第二组考试发放门票, TSPSC releases hall tickets for Group 2 exam on Dec 15-16, 2024, with 783 government posts up for grabs.
Telangana公共服务委员会(TSPSC)于2024年12月9日发放TSPSC第二组大厅票,12月15日和16日考试。 The Telangana Public Service Commission (TSPSC) is releasing the TSPSC Group 2 Hall Ticket on December 9, 2024, for exams on December 15 and 16. 候选人可使用登录细节从官方网站tspsc.gov.in下载入职卡。 Candidates can download their admit cards from the official website, tspsc.gov.in, using their login details. 考试将在33个区的1 368个测试中心进行,每天开两次会:上午(上午10时-下午12时30分)和晚上(下午3时-5时30分)。 The exam will take place at 1,368 test centers across 33 districts, with two sessions each day: morning (10 AM - 12:30 PM) and evening (3 PM - 5:30 PM). 所有考试都需要大厅票,并应一直保留到最后甄选过程完成为止。 The hall ticket is needed for all exam sessions and should be kept until the final selection process is complete. 考试旨在填补泰兰加纳783个政府职位。 The exam aims to fill 783 government posts in Telangana.