堪萨斯市性犯罪人Bryan Rice因涉及儿童色情制品的五项指控被起诉。 Kansas City sex offender Bryan Rice indicted on five charges related to child pornography.
堪萨斯市注册的性犯罪人Bryan Keith Rice(50岁)因五项与儿童色情制品有关的指控被起诉,包括运输、接收和拥有儿童色情制品。 A Kansas City registered sex offender, Bryan Keith Rice, 50, has been indicted on five charges related to child pornography, including transporting, receiving, and possessing it. 在此之前,曾因拥有儿童色情制品而被判定犯有重罪。 This follows a prior felony conviction for possessing child pornography. 美国助理检察官Alison D. Dunning正在起诉此案,多个执法机构正在对此进行调查。 The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Alison D. Dunning and investigated by multiple law enforcement agencies. 指控是指控,罪责将由联邦审判陪审团确定。 The charges are accusations, with guilt to be determined by a federal trial jury.