Leonardo Leonard,25岁,因制作与15岁吸毒过量有关的儿童色情制品被起诉。 Leonardo Leon, 25, indicted for producing child pornography linked to a 15-year-old's overdose.
来自堪萨斯城的25岁的莱昂纳多·莱昂纳多因制作和散发2024年8月1日至9月2日期间涉及一名未成年人的儿童色情制品而被联邦大陪审团起诉。 Leonardo Leon, 25, from Kansas City, has been indicted by a federal grand jury for producing and distributing child pornography involving a minor between August 1 and September 2, 2024. 这次调查的起因是一名与Leon有接触的15岁受害者死于过量致死。 This investigation was prompted by the fatal overdose of a 15-year-old victim, who was in contact with Leon. 该案属于旨在打击剥削儿童行为的 " 安全儿童项目 " 的一部分,涉及当地警察和联邦检察官。 The case is part of Project Safe Childhood, aimed at combating child exploitation, and involves local police and federal prosecutors.