34 岁的纳什维尔男子 Angelo A. Ellis 因两项对未成年人进行性剥削的指控而被捕,罪名是根据 NCMEC 关于其 Dropbox 帐户中露骨照片的线索。 34-year-old Nashville man, Angelo A. Ellis, arrested on two counts of sexual exploitation of minors based on NCMEC tip about explicit photos in his Dropbox account.
Angelo A. Ellis,34岁,纳什维尔人,被捕,被控对未成年人进行性剥削。 Angelo A. Ellis, a 34-year-old Nashville man, has been arrested and charged with two counts of sexual exploitation of minors. 这些指控源于一项调查,该调查是由国家失踪和受虐儿童中心(National Center for Missing and Exploited Children)的一条线索发起的,该线索将他与一个包含数百张未成年人露骨照片的Dropbox账户联系起来。 The charges stem from an investigation initiated by a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, which linked him to a Dropbox account containing hundreds of explicit photos of minors. Ellis在24号州际公路的交通站被捕 保证金为75,000美元 Ellis was apprehended during a traffic stop on Interstate 24, with his bond set at $75,000.