Robert Keller在手机上发现200个虐待儿童录像后,对指控不认罪。 Robert Keller pleads not guilty to charges after 200 child abuse videos found on his phone.
来自华盛顿Pullman的38岁男子Robert Keller对拥有和处理儿童色情制品的指控表示不认罪。 Robert Keller, a 38-year-old man from Pullman, Washington, has pleaded not guilty to charges of possessing and dealing in child pornography. 调查员在发出搜查令后,在他手机上发现了200多段虐待儿童材料的录像。 Investigators found over 200 videos of child abuse material on his phone after a search warrant was issued. 当Keller因自杀威胁被送往医院时,案件曝光,其女友报告说发现其设备上的非法内容。 The case came to light when Keller was taken to a hospital for a suicide threat, and his girlfriend reported finding the illegal content on his device. Keller面临20项关于儿童色情的一级交易和另外的占有指控。 Keller faces 20 counts of first-degree dealing in child porn and additional possession charges.