欧盟派观察员监测科索沃的议会选举, EU sends observers to monitor Kosovo's parliamentary election amid tensions.
欧洲联盟正在派遣100名选举观察员监测2月9日的科索沃议会选举。 The European Union is sending 100 election observers to monitor Kosovo's parliamentary elections on February 9th. 这次选举对阿尔宾·库蒂总理来说是一次关键的考验,他的政党赢得了2021年的选举。 This election is a key test for Prime Minister Albin Kurti, whose party won the 2021 elections. 与塞尔维亚的紧张关系持续存在,塞尔维亚不承认科索沃2008年宣布独立。 Tensions with Serbia, which does not recognize Kosovo's 2008 declaration of independence, persist. 北约还增加其维和存在,以确保选举期间的安全。 NATO has also increased its peacekeeping presence to ensure security during the election period.